Monday 25 March 2013

Last days in Hobart

Our last couple of days in Hobart  were busy, Sunday we drove south to Geeveston and then out on the dirt road to Tahune Airwalk.
This morning was cold and the by the time we arrived at the airwalk (10am) it was about 8C, brrrrrrr and drizzling rain.  The airwalk is a suspended bridge that goes through the tree tops of the Huon Pine Forest area ending up with a view looking along the Huon River while we sway in the breeze. 
We spent about 2 hours here walking the trails, crossing 2 swing bridges
and generally being the nature lovers we are (really I am just walking off the chocolates and chips I am eating).

Then on the drive out we stopped at a couple of lookouts, The Big Tree (6m in diameter and 87m tall)and learning lots about the logged area back in the day.
Back to Huonville, we booked a jetboat ride here for 1.15 but we were at the airwalk for so long we didn’t get to huonville till 2.45pm but we got our ride at 3.30pm. 

We were the only ones on the ride and John, our captain took us up the Huon River about 12km and we had some very close calls with some tree branches and touched rocky river bottom many times, the river is at its lowest atm so lots of exposed rocks, had about 30min ride and about 6 spins at high speed; again the big kids having some fun.
Monday 18 March was our last day in Hobart and we hadn’t really seen much of the CBD so we went on the Ol’ English Red Double Decker hop  on, hop off bus. 

We sat up on the top deck and had the front seat, great possie.  We had a 90min circuit with a very entertaining bus driver and the bus was full because today the cruise ship was in port.  We learnt about the Penitentiary Chapel on the bus tour so we went to have a look and got a discount on our entry because we were on the bus tour.  This is were the convicts came to when Port Arthur closed down, now there is only the Chapel, solitary cells and the gallows left.

Well, what a tour, as interesting as it was…. We had a lovely old guy who loved his history and a couple in the group who loved to ask questions.  We were the last tour of the day and our 75 min tour turned into 2 ½ hours (four of our 8 party tour group left before it finished)…anyway we got out of there about 5pm.  We grabbed some dinner and a few groceries on the way home and then it was pack up and washing to be done because tomorrow it was time to move on.

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