Saturday 16 March 2013

Getting to Port Arthur then the Big Smoke

Made plenty of stops on the way to Nubeena (10km from Port Arthur) RSL. 
Tessellated Pavement
The Dog Line at Eaglehawk Neck
blow hole near Tasman Arch
Tasman Arch
Devils Kitchen
Got 2 nights for $10 and the use of their facilities, 13 vans in here tonight.  Got to meet Pete and Terese for Brisbane who have come from the west coast so we told each other of places to stay.  Had a counter meal in the RSL and discovered the start of the Broncos and Manly match on the telly so of course we had to stay for a couple of more drinks (wish we hadn't).  Met another Bronos supporter that sat with us to watch the game and he went to Mitchie High and grew up in Keperra...hows that!

Saturday 9 March was a showery day but 20C to spend our day at Port Arthur Historical Site.

We went to the Remarkable Cave and Maingon Bay first and at the cave I saw my first penguin...

pity he was face down in the water...Sorry animal lovers!

Remarkable Cave

We had such a full day at Pt Arthur, we got a free audio tour with our entry but my audio thingy went flat so I stuck my head phones into Steve's Audio thingy which was fine until he would walk ahead of me or go through a doorway and I was being dragged along by my head set in my ears lol.  5 hours later with tired legs, we had a light dinner, hot shower, oh crap mozzies, straight to bed.

Sunday is another day on walking at the Coal Mines at Saltwater Bay, the worst place the convicts feared to be sent to back in the convict days...plenty of ruins and piles of convict made bricks where buildings used to be with the best ocean views,

here we walked about 2 1/2 hours.  Then took a drive out to Lime Bay Camping spot...very nice but it is a long weekend so the place is chockers with locals.

Then onto a Forty Beach longish walk to the beach with some impressive cliffs and a another first:
A porcupine fish that has too much sun

Monday we had to do some washing in Pt Arthur Laundromat then we drove to go on a walk called Waterfall Bay  (this is our third attempt to do this due to weather) it was overcast but not raining.  We drove half way there and the coast was covered in a thick fog and it was drizzling rain, we turned the car around and drove back.  My gut tells me we just weren't meant to do this walk so its one we missed.

Tuesday it is time to get out of Port Arthur, we are all convicted out!!!
We drove to Sorell, got fuel, grocery and lunch and onto Campania free camp...oh oh we took a wrong turn as one does when one gets close to the Big Smoke (Hobart) so....change of plan Hobart it is and for a week in a caravan park we were told about on the north side of town "Treasure Island Caravan Park".

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