Saturday 6 April 2013

We are still wandering...

We have done so much since the last blog, we couldn't get the internet to work for a week and we have been busy being tourists, so here it is:
New Norfolk two nights to run errands and domestic duties
Mt Field NP 3 nights:  beautiful, 3 hr walk through the forest, tall trees, rain forest and waterfalls.

Also a 16 km drive to Lake Dobson (windy and about 5C).

Drove to Lake Pedder, Strathgordon (Gordon Dam)

which included 4 dams, 2 lakes and hydro power station.
Easter Saturday drove to Strahan:  on the way stopped at The Wall in the wilderness (wooden sculpture).
Tarraleah Power Station, Mt Arrowsmith 981m (saw it didn't drive it), Lake St Clair, Queenstown (will go back later).
Raining and cold in Strahan, pub for dinner.
Sunday the West Coast Wilderness Railway:  The only working rack and pinion steam train in the southern hemisphere.

Monday was a 6hr cruise:  out to Hells Gate, Macquarie Harbour, past the fish farms, stopped on Sarah Island (convict island), up the Gordon River and stop at Heritage Landing.

Tuesday drove back to Queenstown and booked an underground mine tour in a working copper mine 2.30pm. Did all the surface tour for about an hour and then had to wait to go underground because a miner had injured his back. But it was going to be a while so we organised to come back at 7pm to finish the tour. 
Drove to Zeehan CP and back to Queenstown at 7pm and we had another 3 hours underground, 1200m, walking around in the mud, looking at machinery, shafts, escape routes, it was great and to end it all followed one of the big trucks out of the mine. Back to Zeehan by 10.30pm. (Can't take photos in the mine)
Wednesday: Montezuma Falls (tallest fall in Tasmania).  Walk or drive?  We decided to drive...4WD all the way and more...Mud, water, rocks, wood, water crossings. (other campers told us they walked it and it took them 3hrs to do 7km, it took us 3 1/2hrs to do 14kms.

Thursday 4 April:  Zeehan Museum fantastic!
and our last major 4WD track in Tassie...I think...up the west coast.  The views were fabulous!

Cross the Pieman River on the Fatman Barge


9m max can go on this barge and we just fit
and found a nice spot on the side of the road next to the Lindsay River for the night. 

Friday (6 weeks):  Travel north to Arthur River stopping into Couta Rocks, Edge of the World viewing platform, Western point of the coast (saw a copper head snake and an echidna)
Arthur River

Edge of the World

The backside of an echidna

Western the map

Copperhead Snake we think

and tonight have stopped at Green Point free camp,

nice little spot beside the coast.  Did a little fishing this arve but no bites, if fine tomorrow we will stay here and fish some more.

Phew, up to date!

Stayed another day but the winds were up so no fishing but the sun is out and we are not even wearing jumpers!!!!! So nice, loving the sun!!!

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