Our next camp was Waterhouse Pt (our camp is the first white bit in the bushes to the left of the people in the water. We arrived in the rain and left in the rain and the day in between was glorious. We did experience a fog roll in off the sea here, it was very eerie and weird, it was 2 hours before the sky cleared again.
We drove to Musselroe Bay but Musselroe wasn't very appealing (good if you have a boat for fishing) then into Mt William National Park, nice camp spots here at Stumpy's Bay camps 1-3, we ended up at Policemans Pt near Ansons Bay, (Stuart Mc you would like this spot being a policeman and all). Nice camping but busy, we didn't get water views but we did get grass!
Our first night here I was woken about 3am to a noise and when I looked outside we had a visit from a very big wombat...I was so excited I woke Steve but by the time he looked the wombat was gone. Here I also got bitten by very big nasty mozzies the first night.
We forgot to take the steak out of the freezer for dinner so we found the car engine is good for more things than running the car!!!
We left the van here and did a day of driving Mt Paris Dam which is not a dam any more but the wall remains
Four holes have been cut in the dam wall to allow the natural flow of the water into the river again
to Derby to the Tin Mine Centre, very interesting history here of the tin mining and how the town was wiped out by flood in 1929 because of huge rain fall causing a dam collapse. Then a very fun 4WD to the Cascade Dam but unfortunately no view because the cloud had set in the mountains and we drove until we couldn't go any further and we realised we were actually on the spillway of the dam...lucky the water levels were low.
Swing bridge across the spillway to the dam wall but it was locked
Couldn't see anything anyway 
On our way back to camp we did a detour to see the Anchor Mine Battery Stamper but we came to a halt because of a tree on the road so we drove around another way and found the Stamper was closed because of track not safe...bummer!
So we went to the Halls Falls and did a quick 2Km walk to the bottom of the falls and didn't stay for too long because the leeches were starting to take hold
Back to St Helens for fuel and a $2 hot shower on the wharves.....luxury. Then saw a ferry on the water that sold fish and chips so that was dinner and we were off back to camp by about 7pm. There is still plenty of daylight at this time but we also found why there is so much road kill here the roos and wallabies are every where at this time but we did not have any accidents. We also spotted 3 more wombats on the side of the road on our journey home and we also had one of the best sunsets we've ever seen.
Battery is low, till next time we charge up....Cheers
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