We have been given extended another day in the caravan park by RACQ but we had to return the rental car yesterday.
We did make the most of our free holiday in Port Macquarie and seeing the sights.
The Lighthouse at Lighthouse Beach
We drove south along Ocean Drive through little towns like Lake Cathie (cat-eye) and Bonny something, and ended up in Laurieton where we bought prawns, oysters and bread rolls for lunch and ate at Pilot Beach.
We stuffed our lunch down and went for a walk out to the beach and the breakwall and the rain started so back in the car and we drove to the Reflective Gardens at St Peters Church for the fishermen
Then up to a lookout again can't remember the name because we have thrown out the maps when we cleaned out the car but we got a great view of Pilot Beach and the breakwall where we had lunch and the surrounding towns.
Up here we did a loop walk through the rainforest, thank goodness we sprayed ourselves with bug spray, although if we hadn't we wouldn't have had to walk because the mossies would have picked us up and carried us through there were so many. Again it started to rain so back in the car and back to camp.
Friday we hung around because we expected the car to be ready but the parts didn't turn up and with this weekend being a long one we new we were waiting till Tuesday now.
Saturday is Australia Day and we went out to Wauchope for the Farmers Market and guess what....it was raining. Some of the stalls were inside, where we bought mushrooms, mango, bananas and tomatoes. Raining we decided to drive to Ellenborough where we were originally going to free camp. Being a long weekend the camp was full but a nice spot beside the river where you could swim.
We passed the road to Ellenborough Falls but we can't go there in the rental on the dirt road, maybe another day.
Not much else to do out here in the rain. I think a rain cloud was hanging over us all the way back to Port, where ever we went it was raining.
Back at the caravan park it did stop raining and we had lunch and then went into the "Town Green" to see the town celebrating Australia Day with a market and formalities.
Sunday was a wet day, it didn't stop all day. Steve and I spent the day in the Camp Kitchen watching the flood news in Qld. The rain came down very heavy Saturday night and didn't stop. We were over soaking up the water leaking into the floor of the van so we just put towels down and left it. We did check our own little flooding every time we passed to go to the toilet hahaha. We kept ringing out the towels and we had to put stuff up on the bed so sleeping conditions have been very cosy.
We don't always look this lived in!
Today is Tuesday, last night was a very restless night, we had the strong winds and it shook the van quite a lot. We woke this morning to more rain and two sites up a large branch had broken off a silky oak. Fortunately the campers had left the day before and the site was empty.
We need bread and milk but it is still raining
to bad we just can't climb the fence
The rain does break and we end up with sun, blue sky, steaming roads and humidity. Everyone is out cleaning up and drying out, and the washing machines and dryers are working over time.
We go to check about the car, expecting it this arvo, got the bread and milk, had more heavy rain but tonight the weather is calm.
We are now expecting the car tomorrow morning and we will take it for a drive (make sure everything is working ok) out to Ellenborough Falls, should be an awesome sight with all the water and then hopefully on our way to Port Stephens Thursday.